Monday, November 27, 2006

First ride !

Yesterday I finally made my first ride on the Z Pro. After almost 2 weeks of constant rain, skies were finally blue and even the sun was up, so in the late afternoon I took off for a ride.
I was comfortable on the bike from the very beginning : there was no adjusting time, at least not for me. Everything felt natural. The Z Pro felt as responsive as my Giant TCR, total weight of the bike should be around the same too, which is a very good thing. Personally I think the Z Pro is even a little more responsive than a regular racing bike, giving you more confidence when manouvering.One thing I noticed immediately when taking turns is that the Z Pro is as stable as a brick. Due to the longer wheel base, you can take sharp turns easily without any trouble. It sure is a blast to take turns at high speed on this bike !
The seat felt a little awkward in the beginning, but only took a couple of minutes to get used to. The nose of the seat points a little down and when you sit on the bike without riding it, it makes you slide off. This totally disappears when you start to pedal though, there's absolutely no sliding off forward. Although I did feel the edges of the seat pan with my upper legs, it never became an issue during my ride. The carbon is a little flexible, which is a big plus. Although I probably still need to find my sweet spot when it comes to adjusting the seat, I never had the urge to stop and change the angle of the seat during my ride. Everything felt just right and pretty comfortable. My bum did feel warm after a while, but not up to a point where it became a nuisance. It might have been caused by some friction but like I said : I just noticed it, nothing more. The seat is way more comfortable than any saddle I ever sat on, that's for sure !!!
What did trouble me though were the cracking sounds coming from the carbon seat. I never rode anything carbon before, so I don't know whether it's normal or not to produce some sound. When riding throuhg potholes or on rough spots, the seat sometimes produced loud cracking sounds. At one point during my ride, there was such a loud crack I was sure something was broken. So I stopped and checked the seat pan, but everything was stil okay. I don't know what causes these noises, since I'm well between the weight limitations for the bike, I don't think it's me. Sure would like to find out what causes the seat to be so noisy, 'cause it's a little bit irritating and does not make me feel very comfortable.
When it comes to the cockpit, only one thing was missing : bar ends. While the handle bars are pretty comfortable and natural, I missed the variety of putting my hands someplace else. I'm going to put the carbon handle bars from the Giant TCR on my Z Pro. This will alow me to vary my hand positions and look for an even more comfortable ride.
Speed. Hmm, can't say much about it yet. When I started to ride, I just woke up from a recovery sleep after a night shift at work. I know that I'm not that fast after I had a night shift and I don't really mind. I tried to maintain a speed of around 18 - 19 m/h on the Z Pro, which was a hard thing to do sometimes, especially since the wind was pretty strong yesterday. I expected that I'd be slower on the Z Pro than on my regular racing bike but now I think that in time, I'll be as fast on it. The Z Pro sure felt more responsive than my Giant TCR, making manouvering the bike very easy, even with the longer wheelbase. Even after only one ride, one thing is sure : I will not go back to a regular racing bike !!! The CF concept does work, thank God for Randy Schlitter ! He just developed another winning bike !

Friday, November 24, 2006

First pictures

Finally picked up my Z Pro at my friend's place yesterday, but unfortunately, no weather conditions yet to take it for a spin. This afternoon, it stopped raining for an hour, so I took the bike outside to take some pictures. Did send some of the pictures to Alan's recumbentblog as an entry for his Recumbent Gallery.
Can't tell much about it yet, although it does not seem to weigh much more than my previous Giant TCR. I did sit on it once and felt like the nose of the seat pointed down too much, like I was likely to slide off. Gonna read more on the
CF forum to get the seat height and angle ride before I start to ride it. According to the weather forecast, Sunday should be a great day for riding a bike, can hardly wait until then !

my new and shiny Zenetik Pro

the cockpit

Monday, November 13, 2006

Waiting for my first ride

I received a call from my friend last Saturday, saying that the bike was ready to be picked up. Unfortunately, it has been raining since last weekend, so I did not pick it up yet. Don't wanna ruin the bike by riding it in the rain -I'm a wussy, I know ;-) ! The weather should improve in the next days, so I'll pick it up as soon as possible.
He did take it for a short ride around the block and told me that it was not "his kind of bike", but he's a hardcore mountain biker. He also told me that the front wheel touches your feet while pedalling, so you have to be careful. Can't remember reading about this on the CF forum, but I might have missed that. Anyway, the next post on this blog will defenitely be about my first ride. To be continued !

Saturday, November 04, 2006

My frame set

The frame set I ordered, arrived yesterday. Felt like a little kid at Christmastime again when I unpacked the box. To my big surprise, the frame set was yellow ! I was convinced that the Z Pro only came in silver, so I did not mention any color when I ordered my frameset. Even when I received the confirmation mail of my order, there was no question about any color, so it felt a bit awkward to find a yellow metallic frame in the box. Thank God it's not that ugly yellow like the Z Tour (sorry, don't wanna offend any Z Tour owners out there !), it has little sparkles all over, which makes it kinda funny looking. If I'd live in the USA I would swap the frame set for the silver one, but I already had to pay FEDEX 273 $ when they delivered the box, so it's out of the question to send the frame back.
The biggest surprise however was that the frame set was incomplete : the riser stem was missing ! I checked all the wrapped papers and plastic inside the box at least three times, but no riser stem. and you'll need one to ride a CF bike, so guess I'll have to call RANS next monday and ask them to ship me the missing riser.

little sparkles underneath

Why ?

Why would anyone order a different kind of bike without even trying it ? Well, just as in 1999, there was no possibility to try one out when I ordered my Stratus frame set back then. I did a lot (and a mean a lot !) of reading about that wonderful bike before I ordered it, and I haven't regretted it for a day ! It was (and still is) my most favorite touring bike. The same thing here with the CF concept : there are simply no CF bikes available here in Europe, so before ordering one, I did a lot of reading about it: mostly on the internet and some in publications (very limited, I know). But the main reason for going for it anyway was a ride on my road bike a couple of weeks ago : after riding almost for 2 hours, feeling uncomfortable almost all the time and having stared only right in front of the front wheel, I decided that that was my last ride on the road bike. Period. So I ordered myself a CF frame set. Why the Zenetik Pro ? Very simple : since the Z Pro is the only bike that accepts 700C wheels, I can swap the components from my road bike to the Z Pro.
What I'm expecting from the Zenetik Pro ? Well, most of all : more comfort and more fun. I'm not worried about the comfort part : anything will be better than a regular saddle ! So, I might be little slower (I'll propably be anyway, but I don't care) and it'll take some time to get adjusted to the new riding position, but hey : that sounds like some kind of challenge to me ! Why the heck not ???
I'll keep things posted on this blog. Feel free to comment anytime.