Sunday, October 07, 2007

Early autumn ride

The last 5 weeks I had to take a course for work, which meant I was too busy to take a ride on my Z Pro. Luckily, last Friday was the last day and since I was off from work yesterday, I finally managed to take the Z Pro for a 2,5 hour ride. Weather conditions were almost excellent : clear blue skies with a breeze. Autumn has defenitely started, as could be seen by the beautiful colors of the trees and all the leaves on the ground. A lot of people were riding their bikes on the towpath near the canal, I'll bet it's gonna be more crowded today, because it's Sunday and weather conditions haven't changed. Too bad I have to go to work later this day ....

I finally found a small bag that I like ( more or less that is ) to attach to the Z Pro's handlebar. Most handlebar bags are too bulky for my liking, the one I found is originally a digital camera bag but it's still large enough to hold the essentials : a cell phone, a digital camera, tire levers, a spare inner tube and some patches ( I just realize right now that I forgot to include a multi tool, I'll put one in right after posting this ). I'm still not used to the position of it (behind the handlebar instead of in front of it), but since most CF-riders put it there, it's probably just a matter of time to get used to it.

After finishing my ride yesterday, my lower back told me that it's been a couple of weeks since I last rode my Z Pro. Not that I noticed some kind of pain, but my bakc told me that it wasn't used to the position anymore. Well, one more reason to ride my Z Pro some more !

And it's supposed to be weather proof too

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